Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Now what

Cool weather bring on white mold and rot in green beans and cabbage. Remove rot and space the plants so there is good air circulation.
Powdery mildew all over pumpkins and cucumbers.
Aphids attacking cole crops.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Let it sunshine

We have week of good sunshine.
Harvest crops: fall raspberries, blackberries; cole crops doing well. broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts all dong well; potatoes; beets; peas and beans still doing well.

Saturday, September 25, 2010


Aphids moving into the cole crops: broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprout.
Celery - bad year.
Tomatoes - slow at ripening.
Basil - excellent year.
Radish, beans, peas still doing well.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Now what

Fall raspberries tasting better now the rain has stopped.
Apples and pears OK.
Tomatoes - water splitting.
Grapes -with any versasion, splitting.
Cole crops still doing very good.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Now What

Tomatoes are splitting all over the county - tooo wet. Use them for sauce or salsam ,,,,ASAP.
Prune dead raspberries all the way to the ground. Leave green canes. After two or three cuts your know what I mean. Top the canes at about three feet.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Pick fall raspberries before they got too wet.
Cover tomatoes with a plastic greenhouse until the rain stops.
Prune June raspberries.
Keep up with chard, lettuce and cabbage harvest.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Watch for splitting of grapes and tomatoes with the wet rain.
Weeds going crazy. Mow the weeds, cover them with mulch, cardboard or Roundup.
Cabbage, Brussels sprouts and chard are doing great in the cool weather.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rain rain

So much for a nice Indian summer.
Rain is great for the lawns.
Grapes starting to change color.
If rain continues, pick the ripest tomatoes and store until ripe.
Pears ripening very quickly after they are picked.
PRUNES finally RIPE.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Weeds are starting to show up. Take care of the weeds ASAP.
Turnips are growing well.
Lettuce and mixed musclins are growing well.Watch out for a weed called puncture vine. It have small multi thorned seeds.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This warm and wet weather is going to bring on blight and powdery mildew.
Powdery mildew on pumpkins, cucumbers, and grapes.
Cole crops still doing good.
Winter crops doing well also.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Fall berries

The fall golden raspberries, red raspberries and day neutral strawberries are doing well.
? Is anyone finding the spotted wing drosophia? Any finds in tomatoes?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


Watch out for chard lead miner - white trails in the leaf.
Sawfly - leaf slugs on cherries, asian pears.
Look out for voles - field mice eating tomatoes and other veges.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Grapes and crops

Powdery mildew showing up on grapes leaves, use wettable sulfur or thin out foliage.
Check tomatoes for internal jelly. If the toms have jelly, they will ripen. Or place a small plastic greenhouse over the tomatoes. Watch for blight - water soaked areas. Control with coppers.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rain -- ++

Yeah rains, but watch out for tomato blight and powdery mildew on grapes and rust on blackberries.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Winter garden

Plant broccoli, cabbage, turnips, lettuce and radishes. The late planting will avoid the root maggots.
So far a fairly insect free year for many crops.
Grapes two to three weeks late.
Pears just ripening.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Great weather

The weather should be great for the next few day so get out and maximize the time you have in the garden or out in the fields.
Lots of ripe berries and tree fruits and veges.
Cole crops doing very well.
Tomatoes - still slow at ripening.
Watch out for the Spotted Wing Drosophila.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Prune grape foliage to increase air circulation to help slow powdery mildew or sue sulfur spray.
Scab and codling moth - bad this year.
A lot of gray mold showing up on garlic. Clean gray mold off the scales. The thick roots on the bottom of the garlic also have the gray mold. Break apart the garlic head and clean each clove. If you plant the garlic clove with gray mold, the whole plant garlic bulb will become infected next year.