Thursday, June 28, 2012

With  this on again, off again; warm and then
wet cool weather, this is prime for tomato and
potato late blight.  We haven't seen it yet but
the weather is perfect for it.
Keep foliage as dry as possible -- hope that the
rain quits, only use drip irrigation.  Try NOT to
walk down the tomato or potato rows while
the foliage is wet.
Trim the plants, sanitize the clipper so there
is good air circulation.
Use copper or organic Serenade to protect the foliage.
Cover with a small plastic cloche.

Monday, June 25, 2012

BE  AWARE for tomatoes and potatoes:  Lane County, oreogn:

Tomato early blight

Found in Washington and New Jersey- bad infestations of tomato late blight

Saturday, June 23, 2012

What is ripe?
Haskap or honey berry.
Cherries - right in time, turning pink-red.
Blueberries - soon.

Friday, June 22, 2012

If this wasn't Oregon, I would be worried.
Crops still growing.
Spotted wing drosophila out, another
finding in the River Road area.
Tomato early blight sample came in this week,
very angular patches on the leave that don't
usually don't cross the veins.
Washington state has found tonight LATE blight. 
So be aware with this warm and then cool weather.

Monday, June 18, 2012

More great weather other than NOT
believing the weather forecast.  Best
method - look out the window.
Warm season crops picking up.
Cherries - turning pink and reddish. 
Strawberries - great crop so far.
Blues, rasp, and currants turning color.
A few codling moths, SWD found in the
River Road area as in the last three years.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Great weekend.
Plants making good headway.
Next 8 days 75-49 degrees, still a bit cool
in the AM, keep the water jugs next to
the peppers, eggplant and tomato plants.
Tine to fertilize again.
Keep the grass and weeds under control.
With the warmer weather diseases
have slowed down.
Rust showing up on garlic plants.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Tomatoes during very well.  Other warm
season plants putting on new leaves.
Beans aredoing bad and need replanting.
Even cole crops are doing poorly.
We need more sunshine.
I hear of a gerat pea crops.
One MGer had a huge pea crop aleady
 but planted back in February.  Success
 really depends on the dy when
you plant the seeds.  Thin gravenstein apples. 
Cherries turning pink so wsatch for cherry fruit fly.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

More good gardening weather.
Time to do some replanting,
so far corn, beans, peas.
Cantaloupe and cucumber seeds slow to emerge.
More scab controls.
Few codling moth, which is late.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Beans coming up.
Tomatoes, peppers and egg plant need extra heat.
Berries look the best of fruits so far.
Photinia - hammered with photinia
leaf spot, needs copper in March.
Garlic showing rust on older leaves,  when
harvesting destroy leaves or put
 into cold compost pile.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

A great weekend.
Lawn under control again.
Expecting codling moth this weekend.
Tomatoes, garlic, cole crops,
strawberries doing very well.
Continue thinning apples, and pears.
Harvested some garlic, but bulbs were
about 2/3 the normal size.

Friday, June 8, 2012

What's happening in Lane County, Oregon:

More rain.
Strawberry season has started.
The orange fungus, Pacific coast
cedar rust has been harsh on bartlett,
comice, bosc pears;  serviceberry and
quince plants this wet year.
Cole crops doing OK;  the warm season
plants;  it just depends on when they
were planted as to how well they are
doing.  Early plantings are thriving,
late plantings are very slow to grow.
Strawberries - OK so far.
Cherries - poor pollination
Pears - hit by fungus.
Apples - huge crop - with apple scab.
Blueberries - looks medium to very
good but seeing quite a bit of
freeze and tip damage.
Raspberry and blackberry - looks like an
excellent crop.

Some flea beetle and cucumber beetle damage.
This week the leaf rollers started
inflicting damage to filbert and orchard crops.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The pacific coastal cedar rust has affected a
lot of fruit.  So far the orange fungus
has seriously affected serviceberry, bartlett - a
lot; comice,bosc and quince fruit to the
point that the fruit are aborting.  Theer has
been two infections or one long infection period.
Nothing can be done with the wet spring. 
There is no spray to control the fungus.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Darn rain.  The wind and rain  were,
were just unbelievable today. 
The weather report looks wet
for he next few days, grrrrrrrrrrrrr.
Cole crops still doing well.  Seeds recently
planting may have problem germinating
with evening temps in the mid 40's.
Heard from several people
who had corn rot in the ground.
The rain is going to spread the cedar rust,
apple scab, powdery mildew, on and on.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Strawberry season is upon us,
starting this weekend.
Lots of flea beetles, cucumber
beetles, cut worms, diamond moths.
Plant away.
This next week temps predicted to be in the
mid  40's in the early AM's which is cool.
Plant protection will
be needed Tuesday and Wednesday,use walls
of water, milk jugs, Remay cover, old sheets,
5 gallon blue water jugs,etc.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Black Cutworm (Agrotis ipsilon) moth counts are significantly 
above average. The average valley wide moth count is nearly
three times what would be considered normal.  Black cutworm 
infestations are very patchy.  I am not 100% certain that we are
 in a major cutworm outbreak. We will know in a week or two.  
 One of the problems with black cutworm damage in sweet corn 
is that by the time you see the damage, it is too late to control.  
 D McGrath