Sunday, November 27, 2011

Near December

Rain off and on this week.
December will be soon upon us.
Prune raspberries, start tree
fruit pruning when leaves drop.


  1. Hi Ross,
    I received a letter from Bonneville Power stating that in order to maintain their lines, they would be cutting trees and spraying the following chemicals on noxious weeds near the powerlines on our property:
    Garlon 3A
    Milestone VM
    MSO (a surfactant, to help the chemical stick to target plants)

    Do you have any experience with these chemicals and can you advise me, as an organic gardener and someone with animals on her property how you would handle this? Thanks and Happy Holidays, Penny

  2. Sorry, just found the blog:
    BPA has to control noxious weeds along its power lines.
    I do have experience with chemicals.
    Milestone is over all safer than Garlon. Garlon can last in plant material for around 3 months before it degrades.
    Talk with BPA to have them hand spray the area they need to spray and block animals for three months from getting into the area. Or see if you can control the weeds. Ask.
