Monday, August 4, 2014


June, July and August has been warmer than normal. 

Most water reservoirs in Lane County - doing
well for a short rain year.

Fleas beetles and cucumber beetles - heavy
 infestations this year and still happening on
garden crops.

Spotted wing drosophila - so far low populations.

Filbertworm and codling moth, so far low
Filbert crop looks medium this year.

Good apple and pear crop.  Plums looking good.

Raspberry - light crop.  Blackberries - looks
like a huge crop.

Blueberry - big, good crop.

Little powdery mildew on roses, apples or grapes....yet.

Tomatoes - ripening.
Chard and kale - doing well.

Cucumber. zuccs doing well, but cantaloupe
doesn't look to good.

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