Seeing a lot of western blight on hazelnuts due to
lack of rain, lack of irrigation and burn on the
south side of tree already. - Witches broom in
the tops of the trees.
Table bets and chard - leaf miners. The transparent
areas on top of the leaf. There will be a little miner
in between the leaf layers.
Tomatoes and peppers - early blight - black spots
on lower leaves.
Spinach - bolting already. Got to hot.
Finding small leaf rollers or inch worms on
blueberry fruit.
lack of rain, lack of irrigation and burn on the
south side of tree already. - Witches broom in
the tops of the trees.
Table bets and chard - leaf miners. The transparent
areas on top of the leaf. There will be a little miner
in between the leaf layers.
Tomatoes and peppers - early blight - black spots
on lower leaves.
Spinach - bolting already. Got to hot.
Finding small leaf rollers or inch worms on
blueberry fruit.